Our Books
About our books
Throughout our photography trips across the last 20 years, myself with the help of my wife, Melissa and my sons, Rafic, Omar and Olli, we proudly produced four books that captured breathtaking scenes of the Mississippi River,
the 10 river states;
the tri-state region of Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin;
Door County, Wisconsin;
Madison, Wisconsin
And many of the beautiful towns, vicinities, city scapes, praries and related beautiful scenes that God has endowed this nation.
Below, please see photos of the books’ covers.
Three of the books are available through the Telegraph Herald.
Currently we are selling the first book I have published in 2007 the Treasures of the Mississippi”
Treasures of the Mississippi
By: Abdul K. Sinno
I always like to share. Sharing is a blessing. Food is more enjoyable if shared, land is more blessed when shared, wealth is more rewarding when shared, and knowledge is more gratifying when shared; however, when it comes to beauty, it is meaningless if not shared! With my pleasure to share beauty, I take you into places that you may not have seen even if you have visited. The scenes you see in this book embed my feelings, emotions, and perceptions. However, like abstract art, the impressions these visuals and words leave in you are most important. It is you, the reader, who determines the impact of this book. The panoramas in this book start with the Mississippi in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Read along and start your journey of discovery.
This book is rare and available new through the author directly: AbdulSinno.Com
Price new: $40.00 plus $10.00 shipping and handling.
This book features the river in its many phases from the variant blue to the muddy brown or the reddish glow around sunsets and sunrises; you will see it as if you were with us on our journeys. All pictures are taken from land except for the panorama of Galena that shows Galena, the Mississippi and Iowa's bluffs, Pilottown, LA; and a picture of the lighthouse on the Southwest Pass as the Mississippi merges into the Gulf of Mexico. We invite you to visit these locations and enjoy what we experienced of beauties that neither pictures or words can fully reveal.
From the smallest of towns to Dubuque and other metropolitan cities and in a variety of seasons - summer to winter and cloudy to clear, the Sinno family share their love of the Mighty River and the life and beauty of the region that surrounds it. What you or I see as an "average" everyday scene, the Sinnos simply reveal its magnificence. The scenic descriptions and panorama images are profound and unforgettable. The Sinno's last book, The Mississippi River Border to Border, Panoramas and Impressions published in 2010 sold out quickly.
Stop to see the beauty theme of new Sinno book
The book captures the essence of the tri-states.
To the Sinno family, beauty is embedded everywhere in God's creations. We see beauty wherever our sights fall.
Our first three books of photography reflect beauty along the Mississippi River and other scenic locations in the Midwest. While capturing images for those projects, however, we also found ourselves drawn to Door County, Wisconsin, a spectacular area along the shores of Lake Michigan. We have taken so many photos of Door County, in every community, in every season, from seemingly every angle.
We continue to be amazed with the beauty of Door County. I ould wander the area aimlessly on a spree of photography. There as no need to plan my photo shoots. No matter where or what you otograph, you have gotten a prize-winning image. But this is only of the story. In addition to the photos found here, I am sharing I you just some of my impressions - the inner pictures of what I
Like the majestic Mississippi River, Lake Michigan continues to contribute generously to this nation. They provide irrigation and vegetation, of course, but also a special beauty and inspiration to all who take in their magnificent scenes.
Through this book, the Sinnos invite you to visit Door County and experience its beautiful scenes for yourself. And if you have already visited Door County, whether one time or a hundred times, may our work provide to you great memories and the inspiration to return.